Transforming Your Yoga:

The pandemic has been a challenging and transformative experience for many of us. While our day-to-day lives may have returned to some sense of normalcy, we can all agree that living through a worldwide pandemic has taught us a great deal about ourselves and the world around us. For those of us who practice yoga, this experience has provided us with new ways of thinking and living that have changed the way we can approach our practice.

Learning From Experiencing:

With every experience we have, there are always things that we can learn. For me personally, living through the pandemic has changed the way I approach my yoga practice. Consequently, I am now more honest towards how I am showing up in my body and mind, I have fewer negative thoughts when I need to do less, and I give myself permission to meditate more on those days when life feels too full.  Here are some key lessons I observed. I hope they encourage you to jump back on the mat (if you have been on a yoga sabbatical) or apply them to your existing practice to deepen your experience.

Five key takeaways from the pandemic that can remind us of the benefits we get from yoga:

1. Gratitude:

The pandemic has reminded us of the importance of gratitude for the simple things in life. For example, good health, the ability to breathe freely, and the support of loved ones. As we move into our yoga practice, we can cultivate gratitude for our bodies, our breath, and the opportunity to do our practice in person or online. Living through the pandemic has put things into perspective so we can fully appreciate what is around us.

2. Adaptability:

The pandemic has taught us to be adaptable and flexible in the face of uncertainty. As we practice yoga, we can learn to go with the flow and change along with different circumstances as they arise. This may mean practising at home or online instead of in a studio, and modifying our practice to suit our changing needs.  Being adaptable in this way build our resilience and helps us cope better with disappointments and struggles.

3. Mindfulness:

The pandemic has highlighted the importance of mindfulness and being present in the moment. As we practice yoga, we can bring this same mindfulness to our mat, focusing on each breath and movement and letting go of distractions.  Consequently, this gives us a calmer mind and better focus.  Mindfulness helps us to understand our reactive thoughts so we can respond more appropriately in sensitive situations.

4. Self- Care:

The pandemic has emphasized the importance of self-care and taking care of ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. As we practice yoga, we prioritize our own self-care by listening to our bodies, modifying postures to suit our immediate needs, and by being kind and compassionate to ourselves when things might not look or feel the way we want them to.  Taking time to nurture ourselves with our yoga practice informs the body, mind, and soul that we are important.

5. Community:

The pandemic has reminded us of the importance of community and connection. Fortunately, we now have the tools to stay connected and practice yoga together in person or online. This is great news for people who live in remote areas, who love to travel, or who want to stay home. Community is only a click of a button away. Other ways to seek out community and connection include taking a yoga course, getting involved in social groups, joining a challenge or meditation group, or practising with a friend or loved one.

What we can take with us:

Applying these lessons from the pandemic to our yoga practice, we can deepen our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. These five takeaways help to cultivate gratitude, adaptability, mindfulness, self-love, and community, creating a more meaningful and fulfilling practice both on and off the mat.


Paula Ribotto

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