Posts In: adaptability

In the realm of yoga philosophy, Ahimsa takes its place as the very first Yama—an ethical guideline of utmost significance. Often referred to as non-violence or non-harming, Ahimsa beckons us to scrutinize our interactions with ourselves and the world around us. Initially, it may seem as if this concept is simply a call to refrain from physical acts of brutality, a reflection of the gruesome events that often make headlines or flood our social media feeds. Yet, upon closer examination, we discover that the essence of Ahimsa transcends the boundaries of obvious violence, manifesting in the most subtle corners of our existence, affecting us on profound levels. (more…)

Transforming Your Yoga:

The pandemic has been a challenging and transformative experience for many of us. While our day-to-day lives may have returned to some sense of normalcy, we can all agree that living through a worldwide pandemic has taught us a great deal about ourselves and the world around us. For those of us who practice yoga, this experience has provided us with new ways of thinking and living that have changed the way we can approach our practice. (more…)