Posts In: gratitude

Transforming Your Yoga:

The pandemic has been a challenging and transformative experience for many of us. While our day-to-day lives may have returned to some sense of normalcy, we can all agree that living through a worldwide pandemic has taught us a great deal about ourselves and the world around us. For those of us who practice yoga, this experience has provided us with new ways of thinking and living that have changed the way we can approach our practice. (more…)

October is here and this means that we are in full swing of Pumpkin Spice everything!  Autumn is a season of great energy and a lot of change. The world around us goes through immense transformation, noticeable in the shorter days, cooler temperatures, and falling leaves. Our daily routines return, which after a long-suspended time from it, can make life a tad more complicated. With the energetic and seasonal shift, and the added concern with the pandemic, you may notice yourself feeling a bit overwhelmed, unbalanced, or detached from your true self.  These normal feelings can (more…)