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Living everyday excellence is about learning and knowing who you are.  It’s about taking the ordinary life and rising above what is easy, simple and mundane and transforming it into authentic living.  The eight elements of excellence provide us with a system in which to move through, offering guidance and assurance that it is attainable.   Determination, although the last of the eight elements, can be found woven through each of the other elements right from the start.  It’s determination that allows the vision that we first have to gain enough momentum to move into having the courage to attempt it.  Without determination we would not find the grit to keep up or we may find ourselves throwing in the towel when we start to feel the impact and commitment of what we want to create. (more…)

Grace is the part of you that can be found in the way you carry your body, in the way to speak ,in your compassionate heart, and in the steadiness of your pose.  Now you might be wondering, what does all of that have to do with Everyday Excellence?  How can having Grace help me to succeed in fulfilling my goals? (more…)