Living everyday excellence is about learning and knowing who you are.  It’s about taking the ordinary life and rising above what is easy, simple and mundane and transforming it into authentic living.  The eight elements of excellence provide us with a system in which to move through, offering guidance and assurance that it is attainable.   Determination, although the last of the eight elements, can be found woven through each of the other elements right from the start.  It’s determination that allows the vision that we first have to gain enough momentum to move into having the courage to attempt it.  Without determination we would not find the grit to keep up or we may find ourselves throwing in the towel when we start to feel the impact and commitment of what we want to create.

Within the 8 elements of excellence we find a perfect balance of our human and divine selves. Vision, courage, grit and determination are all part of the human experience.  They are tangible; we can see, feel and experience the direct results of their actions.  Humility, knowledge, prayer and grace are drawn from our spiritual nature, our authentic self that is more subtle.  Striking a balance in all elements and allowing determination to carry you through each of these qualities adds to the achievement of everyday success as a human.  For example; having determination without grace can lead to a life that is ego driven and self- absorbed.  Having determination without humility can lead to thinking you are separate from everyone else and a misunderstanding of your impact.

As life offers opportunity to excel, it is determination that will help you to achieve your goal when you are staring fear, fantasy or inspiration in the eye.  Manifesting your goal to your highest potential requires discipline and commitment to yourself that will challenge you in every possible way.

Each element in itself is a gift and opportunity to living authentically.  Allowing determination to set you in a forward moving motion will open up experiences that will teach you how your mind works, how you think, where your patterns are and what blocks you have.   I have watched many people work hard to live a life that feels true to their self and not run on automatic and I have watched people choose to live only to serve their ego.  There is no right or wrong way of living.  This is a personal journey unique to each person.  If you  love living in a place where change is rare and the status quo is comfortable then by all means continue.  If you long to explore a deeper side of yourself and feel the calling to live in a world painted with many colours and layers then the eight elements of excellence is a process you may want to explore.  These are the stages everyone seeking truth will go through regardless of your background.  Each stage gives you direction, clarity, and quality of living.  To see your vision move through each of the stages is to experience the full essence of your potential.  It gives you an opportunity to move through your uncomfortable feelings, attitudes, and perceptions of yourself, others and the world.  To achieve that is to know, understand and experience determination.

Although anyone can work with and go through the process  with the 8 elements of excellence I have found working with Kundalini yoga to be the most helpful in developing a strong nervous system, focus, and clarity in my everyday life helping me to achieve a deeper sense of purpose in the world.  If you are feeling the call to explore this work feel free to contact me for an individual session or join my new yoga video series in my online studio that address each of the elements.

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