When we think of courage, many of us think that that quality is reserved for officers, soldiers, rescue personal, etc. However we all have an inner strength that is courageous. We use this quality when attempting something that we would normally not try or when we need to muster up enough of it to make a change in our life. Courage requires much internal strength, and from a yogis perspective that also means a strong core.

Physically having a strong core allows us to hold our bodies tall, which allows for a deeper breath and more access to feelings such as confidence, fearlessness and courage.

Why would we want to be able to tap into our sense of courage? Well, have you ever tried to make a change in your life and only found yourself feeling defeated or frustrated because you never seem to achieve that change? This is where courage comes in. If we are led by our fears and phobias we will never get anywhere. Think of all the people in this world that have been a catalyst for great change – if they didn’t draw on their own inner courage they would not have had the drive to attempt or even follow through with what they were called to do.

Doing yoga and meditation can help you to build a relationship with your inner self, strengthen your core, become more aware of your breath, clear your mind so you can see what it is you want to achieve for yourself and give you the courage to take action towards those goals. The next time you are feeling self-criticism, defeat, or helplessness try this yoga pose and observe what changes:

  1. Stand with your feet hip width apart.
  2. Press your feet into the floor and lengthen out through the top of your head.
  3. Pull your lower abdomen in and up and notice how your chest lifts.
  4. Let the shoulders relax.
  5. Now step your left foot forward (about 2-3 feet) allowing your right foot to turn slightly or come up onto your right toes.
  6. Bend your left knee so that it comes right above your left ankle (look down and make sure the knee is in line with your 2nd toe).
  7. Lift your arms up over your head until your biceps are beside your ears.
  8. Try to keep the arms straight and reach through the fingers.
  9. Hold for 5 long slow deep breaths (about 1 min).
  10. Release and repeat on the other side.

Take a few moments to check in and see how you feel.

Has there been a shift in your perception, mood, breath, or attitude?

Courage helps us make the changes we desire in our life.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?

– Marianne Williamson

If you would like to learn more about how to expand your awareness, shift your attitudes or simply improve your overall wellbeing, you can contact us.




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