Humility – Defined by the dictionary as the quality or state of not thinking you are better than another, makes it an essential and very important role in success and everyday excellence. Humility gives us all the capacity to see what other people are going through and to recognize the effects of our own actions and the responsibilities that comes with what we create for ourselves.

Humility requires a level of awareness that allows each of us to surrender to a much greater story. This, in turn, opens our eyes to see beyond the visible boundaries we are immersed in and to grow from the strengths and challenges of others. When we develop this type of awareness, we are open to expanding our vision, that expansion is one step closer to mastering success and everyday excellence.

Humility always reveals what we need to learn. It keeps us curious, patient, tolerant and accepting of the world we live in. By understanding that we do not stand alone in the outcome of our creation, that we actually need each other to not only be successful but to survive, we can move towards living our everyday excellence. And when I say excellence, I am not referring to a stereotypical life of excellence that is determined by the media or social organizations, I am talking about an excellence that leaves you feeling complete, content, and at peace at the end of each day. This is an excellence that is determined only by the one in the driver’s seat, which is you, deciding how to express, live, and be in this world.

Humility gives us all the capacity to step aside from who we think we are, to see the world with compassion and to serve each other so that we can all be in the state of everyday excellence.

Here are a few pointers on learning to be humble:

  1. Stay curious about others. Asking questions about another person allows you to stay open and accepting of other peoples differences.
  2. Get inspired by people that are differently abled and still continue to give of themselves. Watching and learning from someone that is faced with an illness or physical challenge puts our own life into perspective and redefines struggle and strength.
  3. Spend time in nature. Humility comes when we can see a larger picture of life.
  4. Spend time without the comforts of home, like tenting. Make an effort to bring along as little as possible and stay for as long as necessary to acknowledge how little we really need. Spending time in this way develops humility and compassion for those in need of a home and opens our eyes to what is really important.
  5. Be an ongoing student. Learning from others helps foster humility by being able to recognize the world is full of things to learn that we have no clue about. Try learning a language, a trade, a new program on the computer, a new craft, how to build something, fix a car..etc. The world is rich of learning experiences waiting to be had.
  6. Learn to ask for help. When we can recognize that we cannot do everything on our own, we become more humble. We are in this world together let us experience and share it in a way that serves each other.

Sat Nam & Namaste


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