Posts In: 8 Elements of Excellence

Living everyday excellence is about learning and knowing who you are.  It’s about taking the ordinary life and rising above what is easy, simple and mundane and transforming it into authentic living.  The eight elements of excellence provide us with a system in which to move through, offering guidance and assurance that it is attainable.   Determination, although the last of the eight elements, can be found woven through each of the other elements right from the start.  It’s determination that allows the vision that we first have to gain enough momentum to move into having the courage to attempt it.  Without determination we would not find the grit to keep up or we may find ourselves throwing in the towel when we start to feel the impact and commitment of what we want to create. (more…)

Grace is the part of you that can be found in the way you carry your body, in the way to speak ,in your compassionate heart, and in the steadiness of your pose.  Now you might be wondering, what does all of that have to do with Everyday Excellence?  How can having Grace help me to succeed in fulfilling my goals? (more…)

There is a lot of misunderstanding about prayer. Many people avoid it due to its connection to and association with religion. So let’s begin with my view and understanding based on a yogic perspective and on the 8 elements of excellence.

Prayer is one part of the whole picture of connection to the Self, the Unknown part of your existence. It is within the realm of this Unknown Self that we speak to when we pray. Prayer is not something that we use to ask for, plea with and/or dictate to something outside of ourselves. It is a simple tool that helps to complete a full conscious practice. It’s very act amplifies gratitude, humility, and understanding. (more…)

As human’s we all have the ability to learn and gain knowledge. We are very fortunate that in our country we have access to schools, books, the internet and many other sources of ways to learn. In our society and culture we tend to think of knowledge only in terms of something we have gained by our studies. However, from the yogic perspective and the 8 elements of excellence, knowledge is much more than just what we study, this type of knowledge is referring to a deep sense of knowing, an internal knowledge that a person can say, “I know this is right”. This type of knowledge comes (more…)

Humility – Defined by the dictionary as the quality or state of not thinking you are better than another, makes it an essential and very important role in success and everyday excellence. Humility gives us all the capacity to see what other people are going through and to recognize the effects of our own actions and the responsibilities that comes with what we create for ourselves. (more…)

Have you ever started a project and attempted to skip a step or two only to be disappointed with the results? I have to admit that I was quick to brush aside the quality of Grit, thinking that it really didn’t have much to offer in terms of everyday excellence/success that was different from courage.  (more…)

When we think of courage, many of us think that that quality is reserved for officers, soldiers, rescue personal, etc. However we all have an inner strength that is courageous. We use this quality when attempting something that we would normally not try or when we need to muster up enough of it to make a change in our life. Courage requires much internal strength, and from a yogis perspective that also means a strong core. (more…)

8 Elements of Excellence

January 1, 2016

Have you ever set goals for yourself and wondered why you never seem to reach them or why you seem to loose momentum to actually achieve it. The following 8 Elements of Excellence are a break down of the process towards meeting and achieving what you set out to accomplish… keeping reading to get more insight into each of these elements. (more…)