Posts In: Yoga Living

In today’s fast-paced digital age, social media has become an integral part of daily life for many. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok provide a way to connect, share, and consume information. However, as beneficial as these platforms can be, there is a growing movement toward living without social media. Many individuals are discovering a more mindful, fulfilling, and productive lifestyle by stepping away from the endless scroll. Here, we explore the benefits of living without social media, along with suggestions on what to do instead and tips for resisting the temptation to log in. (more…)

The Niyamas, the second limb of Patanjali’s Eightfold Path, offer profound insights into the art of self-care and self-discovery within the yogic philosophy. They are about cultivating a better relationship with ourselves. I like to think of them as a way to measure how we treat ourselves when no one is watching. Among these five guiding principles is Saucha, which centers around the concept of purity, both inside and outside of our beings. In this exploration, we delve into the ways in which Saucha encourages us to cleanse our physical and mental spaces to facilitate inner clarity and harmony. (more…)

In a previous blog post, we explored the transformative power of integrating the Yamas and Niyamas into our daily lives. As both yoga teachers and students, these ethical principles form the foundation on which we can build a profound and enriching yoga practice. Today, we delve deeper into the significance of these principles and understand why they are considered the most important limbs of the Eightfold Path. (more…)

Transforming Your Yoga:

The pandemic has been a challenging and transformative experience for many of us. While our day-to-day lives may have returned to some sense of normalcy, we can all agree that living through a worldwide pandemic has taught us a great deal about ourselves and the world around us. For those of us who practice yoga, this experience has provided us with new ways of thinking and living that have changed the way we can approach our practice. (more…)