Posts In: asteya

Exploring Asteya, the Yogic Principle of Non-Stealing

In the profound realm of yoga philosophy, the Yamas serve as ethical guidelines, offering us a profound understanding of how to navigate life with intention, compassion, and mindfulness. Asteya, the third Yama, stands as a beacon of simplicity: don’t steal. At its surface, Asteya calls upon us to refrain from taking what doesn’t rightfully belong to us. While few of us would readily label ourselves as thieves, this yogic principle delves deep into the subtler, often overlooked ways we inadvertently pilfer not just from others but from our own well-being, both on and off the yoga mat. Asteya invites us to illuminate the quiet acts of theft that can impact our self-perception and, consequently, our actions in the world. (more…)

Asteya – Non-stealing

The 3rd Yama is simple, don’t steal. In its simplest form, Asteya asks that we not take what does not belong to us. While most of us wouldn’t be categorized as a thief, this yogic principle draws our attention to more subtle ways in which we rob not only others but ourselves, on and off the yoga mat. (more…)