Posts In: ahimsa

In the realm of yoga philosophy, Ahimsa takes its place as the very first Yama—an ethical guideline of utmost significance. Often referred to as non-violence or non-harming, Ahimsa beckons us to scrutinize our interactions with ourselves and the world around us. Initially, it may seem as if this concept is simply a call to refrain from physical acts of brutality, a reflection of the gruesome events that often make headlines or flood our social media feeds. Yet, upon closer examination, we discover that the essence of Ahimsa transcends the boundaries of obvious violence, manifesting in the most subtle corners of our existence, affecting us on profound levels. (more…)

Exploring Through Non-Violence

September 26, 2016

Over the summer I have been reflecting on and studying some of the foundations of a yoga practice and have been pleasantly surprised at the added awareness to my everyday life. These are known as the yamas and niyamas which are guidelines of living and navigating in the world through our relationship to ourselves and others. They are the foundation of all yoga practices and without a firm foundation we lack the necessary building blocks to navigate in this world with joy and happiness.


The 1st Yama, which is called Ahimsa or non-violence/non-harming, calls for us to pay attention to how we treat ourselves and others. My first reaction to thinking about this was (more…)