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Have you ever asked yourself the question “WHO AM I?” When it comes to the 4th Niyama, Study of the Self, one might wonder how does a person study themselves and what is involved with that? To study anything requires a person to be curious, focused, and inquisitive. (more…)

The Benefits of Discipline

November 20, 2016

Tapas, the 3rd Niyama of the yoga sutras, translates as self-discipline. Most people, when they hear the word discipline, usually feel the hairs on the back of their neck stand up and resistance pops into their mind with the vision of heels digging into the sand as they were forced to do something they didn’t want to do. What most people don’t realize is the transformation that occurs through persevering a constant control of the self. (more…)

Santosha, the 2nd Niyama of the Yoga Sutras, wants us to have a deep sense of satisfaction and happiness with our life, relationships, and what we have. The first thought that comes to my mind is “I am happy, I am grateful for all that I have.” Santosha is a call to capture your thoughts and/or feelings that don’t match your beliefs in happiness. (more…)